IST Remote Teaching Monitoring Survey – End of 2nd Semester
16 of July, 2020
The Pedagogical Council of Técnico elaborated a new monitoring survey about its remote teaching-learning method after the cancellation of in-class activities at Técnico due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
This survey is aimed at identifying students and faculty satisfaction with the teaching-learning method adopted. A first questionnaire was launched between 26 March and 2 April. The survey information and its takeaways are available here at the Educational Process Studies section (direct link).
After 2nd semester final evaluations of 2019/2020, a new questionnaire is launched with the purpose of following up the monitoring process of the teaching-learning method adopted and better understanding how the adoption procedure and semester final evaluation was carried out.
We intend that students and teachers answer this questionnaire based on each personal experience of 2nd semester lectures and exam/final evaluation season.