Instituto Superior Técnico

Núcleo de Estatística e Prospectiva

Admission at IST

In 1994, an in-depth characterization of the students admitted at IST was carried out, with a view to analyzing aspects such as the profile of the students admitted in each programme, the positioning of IST nationwide and the development of specific plans of action in certain secondary schools to attract better students.

The socioeconomic analysis of the students admitted at IST appeared in 1999/2000, as a need to supplement and improve knowledge in this institution from a socio-economic point of view, previous background, expectations and motivations when students enter university.

The studies developed in this scope are listed in chronological order  (from latest to oldest) and grouped as follows:

For the period before this restructuring you can find the information indicated in the History tab.

Admission studies (in Portuguese)






Global characterization of admitted school population (in Portuguese)





2012/13 – 2014/2015

Other studies (in Portuguese)

  • Engenharia de Redes de Comunicações: evolução do curso, posicionamento e atractividade. A. Torres, C. Patrocínio. November 2009
  • Impacto das alterações nas provas de ingresso nos cursos do IST: portaria nº 1031/2009. C. Patrocínio. November 2009
  • Condições de Acesso Extra Numerus Clausus 2007/08: várias visões metodológicas. A. Torres, C. Patrocínio. December 2007
  • Perfil dos alunos ingressados per campi. M. Graça, C. Patrocínio. November 2007
  • A Evolução do Acesso ao Ensino Superior em Portugal e o Caso Particular do IST. C. Patrocínio, Studies and Planning Office. April 2005
  • Impacto da Fixação da Propina Máxima na Frequência do IST. L. Lourenco, C. Patrocínio, Studies and Planning Office. November 2004
  • Resultados do Ingresso nos últimos Seis Anos. C. Patrocínio, Studies and Planning Office. December 2004
  • Análise do Impacto da Exigência de Notas Mínimas no Ingresso ao IST em 1997/98. C. Patrocínio, Studies and Planning Office. March 1997
  • O Ingresso no IST de 1993/94 a 1996/97. C. Patrocínio, Studies and Planning Office. June 1996
  • Origem Geográfica dos Alunos Ingressados no IST em 1994/95 e 1995/96. C. Patrocínio, F. Santos, Studies and Planning Office. March 1996
  • Impacto da Exigência da Nota Mínima no Ingresso a IST em 1996/97. C. Patrocínio, GStudies and Planning Office. March 1996
  • Ingresso no IST Extra Numerus Clausus de 1991/92 a 1995/96. C. Patrocínio, F. Santos, GStudies and Planning Office. December 1995